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About Me

I am a student at Rice University with a strong passion for computer science, statistics, data science, operations research, finance, and sports analytics. I am interested in ways to apply math into the real world, and use quantitative methods to address real-world problems. 


So far, my interest in numbers has led me to the field of sports analytics. I participated in the Wharton Moneyball Academy where I learned the fundamentals of statistics and how math could be applied to sports. Excited to learn more, I interned and attended both the 2021 and 2022 MIT Sloan Analytics Conferences as their first high school marketing assistant in exchange for admission and secured a research position with a Mathematics Professor from Davidson. Together, we collaborated on a variety of projects, one of which was a 15-page research paper that investigated the mental side of tennis (my paper is attached in the "Projects" section). 


I've continued my passion and interest for data analytics in college. After being selected to join the Rice Sports Analytics Technical Projects Team, my team and I utilize advanced analytics to optimize athletic performance and results for Rice Athletics. Furthermore, I was also selected to represent Rice at the 2023 Diamond Dollars Case Competition at the SABR Analytics Conference in Phoenix in March where we presented on the impact of incorrectly called balls and strikes on the final score of MLB baseball games in front of a panel of MLB executives and analysts. We placed 2nd place out of over 25 teams from across the country (our presentation is also attached in the Projects section). 


My journey in sports analytics has taught me how numbers can reveal a whole new world of research and interesting findings. I'm excited to continue my interest in quantitative methods and statistics, both within the world of sports and beyond. As a result, at Rice, I'm concentrating my course of study on statistics, computer science, data science, operations research, and finance. I'm intrigued by the intersection of all these fields and am pursuing opportunities where I can continue exploring these areas and harness the power of numbers.


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